The Star Elders say that we are on the brink of a shift of ages. (Related article http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2004june.html
) That’s not news to us at this point in the game. Most of us know that these are turbulent times in which much
change is possible and expected. What we don't know is what we will shift into. What will our new world look like?
How will it feel? What will we think about it? Who will be there with us? What I am
about to share with you is a glimpse into what might happen during the shift, what our new world might look like, and how
you can begin to see the future for yourself. Over that last couple of years, and especially in the last few
months, I have noticed a growing dis-interest in what the world has to offer. Many others, as well as myself,
are feeling a general restlessness coupled with building apprehension about the near future. We feel that something
new is on the horizon just out of our reach. Since the December 2004 9.0 earthquake, many of the symptoms that
we have been feeling for a while on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels have accelerated, and a few new symptoms
have manifested. Many people have reported vertigo or dizziness. There have been many reports of accidents including
people simply falling down. Troubled dreams are on the rise. (Related article http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2004march.html
) I have had a few of these symptoms myself along with a couple of new ones. I have noticed that when
I am standing up that I unconsciously stand on the sides of my feet. This doesn't help me with my balance at all.
I am an avid hiker and like the way my feet feel on the ground. However, lately it feels like I don't want be touching
the Earth at all. Also before I am completely awake in the morning, I feel a strong thought . . . I have to get out
of here. I just want to get out of my house. It is very puzzling. All these symptoms that
we are experiencing didn't make much sense to me until after my recent trip to the Yucatan. I decided to go to the ocean
off the Maya coast due to a inner calling to listen to the water. In years past, this coast line has been peacefully
calm, and a great place for me to recharge. But this year it was choppy, like the energy I was feeling inside.
I didn't feel the peace and clarity that I have felt in years past. However, when I went snorkeling, the ocean had its
familiar vibe; very peaceful and quite clear. I watched the fish surf every swell and current in the ocean with
grace. Every time I returned to civilization, I had a hard time remembering to put my feet down all the way. I
wondered what was up and asked for answers to my mounting questions. When I got back home, I still felt
the urge to get out of the house, but I had an additional feeling. Both my partner and I felt a huge desire to
begin a garden. I think we just want to be outside more. Also, I felt that I needed to build an authentic Mexican
Palapa in my back yard to sleep in this summer. A Palapa is a traditional home of the Yucatec Maya. Many Maya
still live in them today. A Palapa is made of all natural materials: wood, twine and grass or palm leaves. I sat
out in my back yard looking at where would be the best place for this natural stick hut with a grass roof. Then
it hit me . . . a vision. I got a glimpse of what the future might look like after the shift that the Star Elders
have been talking about. Then I saw this vision connect with some other things that the Star Elders told me years
ago. It was all beginning to make sense . . . finally. Let me try to explain. The magnetic field
of the Earth holds and maintains memory. Even at its core, Earth is iron. Our body has iron in our blood that
also holds memory in place. Memory keeps us in our mechanistic ways. In other words . . . ruts. Sometimes
our ruts can spiral out of control like a skipping record. When they do, it is really hard to stop the skipping that
is harmful to us, or to our planet, because the collective memory is overpowering. IS this why the world is in the perilous
state it is in? Could memory keep us from evolving, awakening or healing our environment? Are we skipping out
of control, repeating harmful patterns over and over? (Related article http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2002aug.html
) Periodically, the Earth drops out the magnetic field to clear herself of unnatural physical, emotional, and
spiritual miss-created realties. The Star Elders say that when we shift magnetically, all things that are un-natural
to Mother Earth will disappear: poisons, pollutions, lies, limiting mental programs, ruts, fear, anger, pain, misuses of power,
etc; just about anything that is out of integrity with the natural laws of the Earth and the cosmos. There
is physical evidence in sacred sites that the Earth does in fact clean herself. Magnetic shifts happen as a regular
cycle of the Earths evolution. This is why archeologists do not find what one would expect to find in a huge civilization
such as the Maya or Inca. The only thing we find in these places are natural to the Earth: wood, pottery, stone, bone,
natural textiles, natural paint and dyes, and natural paper books. Even today we cannot build what the ancients did
with or without our technology . . . yes, even today! Surely the ancients had technology that was used to build
these structures that was cleared away, literally vaporized by a magnetic shift - wiped clean by the wrath of God as Indiana
Jones says in the movie Raiders of the Lost Arc. Why do you think the ancients built temples without mortar. They
knew, and wanted their sites to remain even after a magnetic shift. The Star Elders say this is a way that the
Earth cleans herself and humanity right along with her. The amazing thing here is that us humans, also natural to Earth,
get another chance to rebuild our lives without the distorted memory or pollutions we have created in the past. It is
like humans get cosmic amnesty from their past mis-creations. We have an opportunity to begin fresh and do things differently.
Then it began to occur to me that we have been thinking about the shift of the ages the wrong way. We
have all considered the apocalyptic event in which there would be a huge loss of life, earth land masses would change drastically,
etc. MAYBE there is another way to look at these times. If it is true, and we are beginning to shift, and our
bodies ARE natural to Earth, but our environments and thought patterns are not, wouldn't it make perfect sense that we would
become increasingly more uncomfortable in un-natural environments, patterns and routines? As frequencies rise, we will
naturally move into alignment: a place of personal integrity that feels right for us. Maybe
this is why I have not wanted to put my feet down all the way. Maybe that is why I want to be out in nature more.
Maybe the loving universe is slowly nudging us out of environments and negative states of consciousness that are unnatural
to us. Maybe the Earth is telling us something. Maybe our bodies are telling us something. Maybe we should
be listening. Evolution is inevitable. History has proven this over and over. Civilizations come
and go yet humans are still here. Is it possible that they/we just moved onto something better during times of shifts?
The Earth has been changing and evolving for eons. All life on Earth has changed also. Species have come and gone,
and come back again as something else. Why do we expect everything to stay the same? The Star Elders say that
it is quite arrogant of us to think that we can predict how Earth is going to shift considering we have only scientific reports
and studies dating back a blink of an eye in Earths time. How could we know what is best for Earth with such short sighted
and mechanistic thinking? Why do we think Earth cant take care of herself? "We have probed the earth,
excavated it, burned it, ripped things from it, buried things in it. That does not fit my definition of
a good tenant. If we were here on a month-to-month basis, we would have been evicted long ago." -- Rose
Elizabeth Bird During the Asian tsunamis, it was those on the beaches that were hurt and killed. But those
that were deep sea diving in the ocean only felt strong currents. Maybe this is why I felt so comfortable in the ocean,
and not on shore. The fish know how to go with the flow. Maybe we can learn something here about flowing with
the shifts instead of trying to keep a harmful status quo. A friend, who was on the beach in Sri Lanka and walked
away from the waters edge moments before the ocean took everything in sight, said it didn't feel peaceful so she didn't go
for her morning swim. She listened, while others didn't. Maybe we need to listen to our Hearts, listen to the
Earth, learn to go with the flow, and be natural instead of mechanistic . . . . In fact, learning to being in your natural
integrity and flowing with the waves could save your life! Traditional native people in Asia listened
and moved to higher ground when the sea told them to, and they were saved. Noah listened and built an arc. I am
listening and beginning to build a Palapa. You might find another way to express your natural self too. It didn't
make sense to Noah at the time, nor does it make perfect sense to me, but I know Earth is speaking to us, and our bodies are
trying to get our attention. A last word here . . . The Star Elders said to remind you that they can see
the future, even if we cannot. They say we are going to make it through this shift. It is written in the stars
. . . it is written in Spirit already. No worries, no fear . . . We are victorious. And (with a chuckle) they
say is it going to be a wild ride and a great adventure of which we could never imagine. We wont be disappointed.
- Aluna Joy Yaxk'in (Related article http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2005jan.html)

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author/speaker, clairvoyant, and sacred site guide and essence
formulator. Aluna has based her life's work on mystical/shamanic experiences with the Star Elders that accelerated over a
decade of travel in Central and South America. Aluna guides spiritual pilgrimages to Inca and Maya worlds and offers Star
Elder Sessions to clients world wide. She has been called a modern mystic and psycho-geographical healer, but Aluna considers
herself simply a spiritual archaeologist. Aluna is author of Mayan Astrology and her articles and services have been accepted
world-wide. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph: 928-282-6292 Webpage: www.1spirit.com/alunajoy - E-mail alunajoy@kachina.net
What is sefiroth? Branches?
>Val >I don't put a static label on what we need
or don't need collectively or >individually, as it constantly changes as we change.If more people collectively
>chose the spiritual path we wouldn't need war.The choice is always ours >collectively.
Are you saying
that the silent minority must be subservient to the limitations imposed by the collective majority? I think to a
large degree we are limited by the collective consciousness. However, I also think that the collective consciousness
evolves and presents new opportunities for those who seek.
Val Not necessarily subservient, but everything is
part of the collective conscouness, so it is all related so to speak.The picture that comes to mind is that the vast
majority of the collective conscousness may be "steered" by the higher aspects of that conscousness, like an elephant
is steered and directed in the circus. Not that we are elephants, but IMHO you could relate the evolution of the collective
conscousness to teaching an elephant how to dance :-)
>Val >Remember the story of Promethius who wanted to
reveal the light and what >happened to him, quoted in the Astara lessons? :-) The answer IMHO is not in >revealing
secrets, but in each of us collectively working to transform and purify >ourselves, so that we can openly receive
the light that is waiting for US.That >light then collectively helps others to see and follow the path to >enlightenment. >
>Phil I do not recall the story. Since each person must find their own path to enlightenment, I don't
know that there is a "path" to follow except to follow the Golden Rule. When given the opportunity, help others
to the best of your ability. Do to others as you would have them do for you. I think this teaching goes
way beyond the 10 commandments
Val I would say the golden rule is a summary of the 10 commandments. This leads me
to another question for the group...how do you think the 10 commandmentrs relate to the 10 sefiroth on the tree of life?
Any thoughts?
Has anyone heard about this info on the planets? I can't recall where I
saw it or many details. Supposedly all the planets in our solar system have a distrubance at the same latitude,
as in the big red spot on Jupiter. It is 19 degrees, not sure if it is north or south. The one on earth is supposed
to be in the Pacific, maybe it was Hawaii. It was supposed to be of some type of evolutionary spiritual significance.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? No, but it does sound interesting.Let us know if you find out anything.
